+44 (0)1738 710124

We recognise that we have a clear obligation towards our people and the community at large to ensure that we operate in a manner that minimises the impact of our business operations on the environment.

The firm is committed to its Environment Policy and all its people are required to cooperate with its efforts to ensure that the policy is implemented in full.  We continually review our processes to minimise our impact on the environment. In particular the firm will:


  • Minimise our consumption and wastage of natural resources as far as reasonably and economically practicable.
  • Encourage the use of travel options that minimise the environmental impact
  • Encourage the use of travel options that minimise the environmental impact.
  • Ensure that consideration is given to purchasing environmentally responsible alternatives to products and services procured by the firm and consider suppliers' environmental credentials in the awarding of contracts.
  • Integrate environmental considerations into key business decisions.
  • Where appropriate actively encourage our clients to adopt environmental and sustainability strategies.
  • Regularly monitor this policy to ensure that the objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed and, if necessary, revised in the light of legislative or organisational change
  • Comply with all laws and regulations relating to the environment and aim to exceed their minimum requirements.

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+44 (0)1738 710124